Physical and mental relaxation
Body and mind always influence each other. When the body is emotionally tense, the muscles harden and the body is on alert. Progressive muscle relaxation makes use of this connection. Targeted tensing and relaxing of individual muscle groups causes a series of reactions:
Breathing becomes slower and deeper. A calm breathing rhythm lowers the heart rate. A low pulse rate reduces brain activity and thus the frequency of brain waves. This process occurs automatically:
Relaxed muscle tone -> calm breathing -> reduced pulse -> lower brain frequency!
Breathing, pulse and thoughts
The ratio of breathing to heartbeat in a healthy person is around 1:4, which means around 15-20 breaths and 60-80 heartbeats per minute.
If our breathing is deep, calm and even, we achieve a low resting pulse rate. The body can come to rest and relax. This also relaxes our mind and calms our thoughts. Brain activity enters a deeply relaxed alpha state close to the sleep threshold.
Breathe yourself into balance.
Active life takes place in contrasts: Summer and winter, day and night, activity and passivity, tension and relaxation.
Unfortunately, we all too often disregard this principle. Constant stress and excessive demands often quickly lead to health problems. It is therefore important to allow yourself breaks. These are the phases of creativity, inspiration and regeneration. During rest, we recharge our batteries and find new courage. We gain fresh momentum.
Let your mind wander. Relax and unwind.

Meditations with neuro-relaxing music
In our CD/MP3 range you will find a series of relaxation exercises that work on different levels:
- Neuro sound effects specifically control the brain frequencies and bring about calming on all levels
- Guided meditations clear the mind and bring focus to thinking
- Imaginary journeys provide a general sense of well-being
- Affirmations support personal development
- Spirituality helps to achieve a higher consciousness
Let go, relax...